Chepy Core

class chepy.core.ChepyCore(*data)

The ChepyCore class for Chepy is primarily used as an interface for all the current modules/classes in Chepy, or for plugin development. The ChepyCore class is what provides the various attributes like states, buffers, etc and is required to use and extend Chepy.

Parameters:*data (tuple) – The core class takes arbitrary number of arguments as *args.

Contains all the current states. Each arg passed to the ChepyCore class will be considered a state.


Contains all the current buffers if a buffer is saved.


The data in the current state. The state changes each time a Chepy method is called.

Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
change_state(index: int)

Change current state by index

Same behaviour as switch_state

Parameters:index (int) – Index of new state
Raises:TypeError – If specified index does not exist
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
copy() → None

Copy to clipboard

Copy the final output to the clipboard. If an error is raised, refer to the documentation on the error.

Returns:Copies final output to the clipboard
Return type:None
copy_state(index: int = None)

Copy the current state to a new state

Parameters:index (int) – Index of new state. Defaults to next available.
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
copy_to_clipboard() → None

Copy to clipboard

Copy the final output to the clipboard. If an error is raised, refer to the documentation on the error.

Returns:Copies final output to the clipboard
Return type:None

Create a new empty state

Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
debug(verbose: bool = False)

Debug the current instance of Chepy

This method does not change the state.

Parameters:verbose (bool, optional) – Show verbose info. Defaults to False.
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
delete_buffer(index: int)

Delete a buffer item

Parameters:index (int) – Key of buffer item
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
delete_state(index: int)

Delete a state specified by the index

Parameters:index (int) – Index of state
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
for_each(methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, object], dict]])

Run multiple methods on current state if it is a list

Method names in a list of tuples. If using in the cli, this should not contain any spaces.

Parameters:methods (List[Tuple[Union[str, object], dict]]) – Required. List of tuples
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


This method takes an array of method names and their args as an list of tuples; the first value of the tuple is the method name as either a string, or as an object, and the second value is a ditionary of arguments. The keys of in the dictionary are method argument names, while the values are argument values.

>>> from chepy import Chepy
>>> c = Chepy(['41', '42'])
>>> c.for_each([("from_hex",), ("to_hex",)])
>>> # this is how to use fork methods with a string
>>> c.for_each([(c.from_hex,), (c.to_hex,)])
>>> # This is how to use fork using methods
>>> print(c)
['41', '42']
fork(methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, object], dict]])

Run multiple methods on all available states

Method names in a list of tuples. If using in the cli, this should not contain any spaces.

Parameters:methods (List[Tuple[Union[str, object], dict]]) – Required. List of tuples
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


This method takes an array of method names and their args as an list of tuples; the first value of the tuple is the method name as either a string, or as an object, and the second value is a ditionary of arguments. The keys of in the dictionary are method argument names, while the values are argument values.

>>> from chepy import Chepy
>>> c = Chepy("some", "data")
>>> c.fork([("to_hex",), ("hmac_hash", {"secret_key": "key"})])
>>> # this is how to use fork methods with a string
>>> c.fork([(c.to_hex,), (c.hmac_hash, {"secret_key": "key"})])
>>> # This is how to use fork using methods
>>> print(c.states)
{0: 'e46dfcf050c0a0d135b73856ab8e3298f9cc4105', 1: '1863d1542629590e3838543cbe3bf6a4f7c706ff'}
get_by_index(index: int)

Get an item by specifying an index

Parameters:index (int) – Index number to get
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
get_by_key(key: str)

Get an object from a dict by key

Parameters:key (str) – A valid key
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
get_state(index: int) → Any

Returns the value of the specified state.

This method does not chain with other methods of Chepy

Parameters:index (int) – The index of the state
Returns:Any value that is in the specified state
Return type:Any
http_request(method: str = 'GET', params: dict = {}, json: dict = None, headers: dict = {}, cookies: dict = {})

Make a http/s request

Make a HTTP/S request and work with the data in Chepy. Most common http methods are supported; but some methods may not provide a response body.

  • method (str, optional) – Request method. Defaults to ‘GET’.
  • params (dict, optional) – Query Args. Defaults to {}.
  • json (dict, optional) – Request payload. Defaults to None.
  • headers (dict, optional) – Headers for request. Defaults to {}.
  • cookies (dict, optional) – Cookies for request. Defaults to {}.
  • NotImplementedError – If state is not a string or dictionary
  • requests.RequestException – If response status code is not 200

A dictionary containing body, status and headers. The Chepy object.

Return type:



By default, this methed with make a GET request, But supports most common methods.

>>> c = Chepy("").http_request()
>>> c.get_by_key("headers")

This method can also be used to make more complex requests by specifying headers, cookies, body data etc.

>>> c = Chepy("")
>>> c.http_request(
>>>    method="POST",
>>>    headers={"My-header": "some header"},
>>>    json={"some": "data"}
>>> )
>>> print(c.get_by_key("body"))
{"success": true}
load_buffer(index: int)

Load the specified buffer into state

Parameters:index (int) – Index key of an existing buffer
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy("A").save_buffer()
>>> # this saves the current value of state to a new buffer
>>> c.to_hex()
>>> # operate on a state, in this case, convert to hex.
>>> c.state
>>> c.buffers
{0: "A"}
>>> c.load_buffer(0)
>>> # loads the content of the buffer back into the current state.
>>> c.state

Run the command in state and get the output

Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


This method can be used to interace with the shell and Chepy directly by ingesting a commands output in Chepy.

>>> c = Chepy("ls -l").shell_output().o
load_dir(pattern: str = '*')

Load all file paths in a directory

Parameters:pattern (str, optional) – File pattern to match. Defaults to “*”.
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
load_file(binary_mode: bool = False)

If a path is provided, load the file

Parameters:binary_mode (bool, optional) – Force load in binary mode.
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy("/path/to/file")
>>> # at the moment, the state only contains the string "/path/to/file"
>>> c.load_file() # this will load the file content into the state
load_from_url(method: str = 'GET', params: dict = {}, json: dict = None, headers: dict = {}, cookies: dict = {})

Load binary content from a url

Most common http methods are supported; but some methods may not provide a response body.

  • method (str, optional) – Request method. Defaults to ‘GET’.
  • params (dict, optional) – Query Args. Defaults to {}.
  • json (dict, optional) – Request payload. Defaults to None.
  • headers (dict, optional) – Headers for request. Defaults to {}.
  • cookies (dict, optional) – Cookies for request. Defaults to {}.
  • NotImplementedError – If state is not a string or dictionary
  • requests.RequestException – If response status code is not 200

A bytearray of the response content. The Chepy object.

Return type:



By default, this methed with make a GET request, But supports most common methods.

>>> c = Chepy("").load_from_url()
>>> b'\x89PNG...'
load_recipe(path: str)

Load and run a recipe

Parameters:path (str) – Path to recipe file
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy("some data").load_recipe("/path/to/recipe").out()
loop(iterations: int, callback: str, args: dict = {})

Loop and apply callback n times

  • iterations (int) – Number of iterations to loop
  • callback (str) – The Chepy method to loop over
  • args (dict, optional) – Optional arguments for the callback. Defaults to {}.

The Chepy object.

Return type:



>>> c = Chepy("VmpGb2QxTXhXWGxTYmxKV1lrZDRWVmx0ZEV0alZsSllaVWRHYWxWVU1Eaz0=")
>>> c.loop(iterations=6, callback='hmac_hash', args={'key': 'secret'})
loop_dict(keys: list, callback: str, args: dict = {})

Loop over a dictionary and apply the callback to the value

  • keys (list) – List of keys to match. If in cli, dont use spaces.
  • callback (str) – Chepy method as string
  • args (dict, optional) – Dictionary of args. If in cli, dont use spaces. Defaults to {}.

The Chepy object.

Return type:



>>> c = Chepy({'some': 'hahahaha', 'lol': 'aahahah'})
>>> c.loop_dict(['some'], 'hmac_hash', {'key': 'secret'}).o
{'some': '99f77ec06a3c69a4a95371a7888245ba57f47f55', 'lol': 'aahahah'}

We can combine loop_list and loop_dict to loop over a list of dictionaries.

>>> data = [{"some": "val"}, {"some": "another"}, {"lol": "lol"}, {"another": "aaaa"}]
>>> c = Chepy(data)
>>> c.loop_list("loop_dict", {"keys": ["some", "lol"], "callback": "to_upper_case"})
    {"some": "VAL"},
    {"some": "ANOTHER"},
    {"lol": "LOL"},
    {"another": "aaaa"},
loop_list(callback: str, args: dict = {})

Loop over an array and run a Chepy method on it

  • callback (str) – Chepy method as string
  • args (dict, optional) – Dictionary of args. If in cli, dont use spaces. Defaults to {}.

The Chepy object

Return type:



This method is capable of running a callable from either a string, or a chepy method.

>>> c = Chepy(["an", "array"])
>>> c.loop_list('to_hex').loop_list('hmac_hash', {'key': 'secret'})
['5cbe6ca2a66b380aec1449d4ebb0d40ac5e1b92e', '30d75bf34740e8781cd4ec7b122e3efd8448e270']
out() → Any

Get the final output

Returns:Final output
Return type:Any
out_as_bytes() → bytes

Get current value as bytes

Returns:Current value as bytes
Return type:bytes
out_as_str() → str

Get current value as str

Returns:Current value as a string
Return type:str
plugins(enable: str) → None

Use this method to enable or disable Chepy plugins.

Valid options are true or false. Once this method completes, it does call sys.exit().

Parameters:enable (str) – Set to true or false
pretty(indent: int = 2)

Prettify the state.

Parameters:indent (int, optional) – Indent level. Defaults to 2.
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy

Reset states back to their initial values

Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
run_recipe(recipes: List[Mapping[str, Union[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]])

Run a recipe on the state. All arguments including optional needs to be specified for a recipe.

Parameters:recipes (List[Mapping[str, Union[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]]) – An array of recipes. Recipes are in the format {‘function’: ‘function_name’, ‘args’: {‘arg_name’: ‘arg_val’}}
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy('bG9sCg==').run_recipe([{"function":"base64_decode","args":{"custom":None,"fix_padding":True}}]])
>>> lol
In this example, we are calling the base64 decode method on the state.
run_script(path: str, save_state: bool = False)

Inject and run a custom script on the state. The custom script must have a function called cpy_script which must take one argument. The state is passed as the argument.

  • path (str) – Path to custom script
  • save_state (bool, optional) – Save script output to the state. Defaults to False.

The Chepy object.

Return type:



>>> c = Chepy("A").to_hex().run_script('tests/files/', True)
save_buffer(index: int = None)

Save current state in a buffer

Buffers are temporary holding areas for anything that is in the state. The state can change, but the buffer does not. Can be chained with other methods. Use in conjunction with load_buffer to load buffer back into the state.

Parameters:index (int, optional) – The index to save the state in, defaults to next index if None
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
save_recipe(path: str)

Save the current recipe

A recipe will be all the previous methdos called on the chepy instance along with their args

Parameters:path (str) – The path to save the recipe
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy("some data").to_hex().base64_encode()
>>> c.save_recipe("/path/to/recipe)
>>> c.out()
set_plugin_path(path: str) → None

Use this method to set the path for Chepy plugins.

Parameters:path (str) – Path to plugins directory
set_state(data: Any)

Set any arbitrary values in the current state

This method is simply changing the value of the instantiated state with an arbitrary value.

Parameters:data (Any) – Any data type
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy


>>> c = Chepy("some data")
>>> print(c.state)
some data
>>> c.set_state("New data")
>>> print(c.state)
New data
substring(pattern: Union[str, bytes], group: int = 0)

Choose a substring from current state as string

The preceeding methods will only run on the substring and not the original state. Group capture is supported.

  • pattern (Union[str, bytes]) – Pattern to match.
  • group (int, optional) – Group to match. Defaults to 0.

The Chepy object.

Return type:


switch_state(index: int)

Switch current state by index

Same behaviour as change_state

Parameters:index (int) – Index of new state
Raises:TypeError – If specified index does not exist
Returns:The Chepy object.
Return type:Chepy
web(magic: bool = False, cyberchef_url: str = '') → None

Opens the current string in CyberChef on the browser as hex

  • magic (bool, optional) – Start with the magic method in CyberChef
  • cyberchef_url (string, optional) – Base url for Cyberchef

Opens the current data in CyberChef

Return type:


write_binary(path: str) → None

Save the state to disk. Return None.

Parameters:path (str) – The file path to save in.
Returns:Returns None
Return type:None


>>> c = Chepy("some data").write_binary('/some/path/file')
write_to_file(path: str) → None

Save the state to disk. Return None.

Parameters:path (str) – The file path to save in.
Returns:Returns None
Return type:None


>>> c = Chepy("some data").write_to_file('/some/path/file', as_binary=True)
bake = None

Alias for out

cyberchef = None

Alias for web

log_format = None

Log format message

log_level = None

Log level


Get the final output

Returns:Final output
Return type:Any

Get the final output

Returns:Final output
Return type:Any
read_file = None

Alias for load_file

write = None

Alias for write_to_file